So What If I Don't Want Kids?
LifestyleMadey Lynchmusingsofamodernmermaid, fashion, blogger, womenshealth, women, prochoice, profemale, prowomen, mybodymychoice, nokids
Period Poverty and the Pink Tax
Politics and OpinionMadey Lynchmusingsofamodernmermaid, periods, periodhealth, periodpoverty, periodproducts, nailhealth, femalehealth, womenshealth, mybodymychoice, poverty, women, prowomen, profemale
Debunking Goop Labs: Part 1
Politics and OpinionMadey Lynchgoop, gooplabs, gooplabsdebunking, debunking, musingsofamodernmermaid, women, womenshealth, saynotogoop, fashionblogger, beautyblogger
Sex and the City: Twenty Years Later
Politics and Opinion, LifestyleMadey Lynchsex and the city, bradshaw, team miranda, feminist charlotte, women, friends, female friends, postive, nyc