Playing with Fire

I know, I know it’s been a long time. But there has been a lot going on. March was one of the busiest months I’ve had in a long time, full of friends and family, and I have some big news coming! All of that combined has made blogging fall by the wayside a little bit. But we are pushing forward and getting back on schedule (even though this is one day late).

Over the weekend and into the early part of the week, Oregon was hit with a lovely little heat wave. Highs in the 70s and the sun was out! Everyone was finally thawing and I took advantage of it not being in the 20s or negatives to finally get some photos and have some style back in my outfits!

Right around the end of January, clothing became an issue and became something I started to get frustrated with. Where I live currently just gets so cold, and this winter got so gray, that it was hard to find the motivation to put together cute outfits and feel like I had style. I was in survival mode: hoodies and leggings and boots and big sweaters and big jackets. If you follow me on Tik Tok (which if you don’t you should @mermaidmadey) I have been doing a 75-day fashion challenge to get back into styling outfits every day, and also finding and realigning with my style. This outfit is getting me a lot closer to that!

My basic formula for awhile has been cute graphic tee, great jeans, sneakers, and fun accessories. So getting back into it and finding styles and outfits I like again, this seems like a great place to start.

I love mixing the feminine and the masculine, playing with different shapes, and playing with different time frames when it comes to style and my outfits. This one is very basic and simple, but I can’t help but love the slightly sexy nature of the crop, the very relaxed feel with the oversized leather jacket and baggy jeans, and also somehow feels very West Coast.

I’m very excited to get back into styling and making my outfits fun and exciting again!

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Jacket- Rumored

Tee- Boys Lie

Jeans- One Mile

Shoes- Converse

Sunglasses- Ray Bans

Checkered Bag- Girrlscout