A Post Roe World

On June 24th, 2022, the United States Supreme Court made good on its promise to overturn Roe V Wade. This was the landmark decision in 1973 that made abortion care a federal right and made it so that no state could make it completely illegal. While this was not a perfect system and still allowed pregnant people to fall through the cracks, it did guarantee that every state had to have at least one abortion clinic. The right to abortion and to bodily autonomy for everyone with a uterus has been taken away and it has been a very hard past few days for many of us, and it is bound to only get harder as we navigate and move forward with what this means. I have written two full posts on why this will not work and how it will actually only up mortality rates and incarceration rates (which I have linked here and here) and the primary function of this post is going to be to give resources to those in unsafe states, what may happen next and to give resources to continue the fight.

Accessing Abortions

No longer safe states/soon-to-be unsafe states

What the law can and cannot do

An organization that helps people travel to get abortion care

Finding clinics in your state or near you

Medication abortion info and access

Where to get the abortion pill

Laws about mailing the abortion pill/ receiving the abortion pill

Master website for abortion knowledge and access

Finding a Provider

Where to Donate

The Brigid Alliance

Planned Parenthood


Abortion Funds

Clinic Acess Support Network


Finding your local abortion network to donate to

Funds to donate to by region

Other Ways to Fight


Reproductive Rights

Amnesty International

Links to reproductive freedom sites


Digital data selling via period apps

Mental Health Resources

RAINN crisis support

Fast Company

Psychology Today- you can filter by state, what you are looking for from a provider, by your insurance or if you do not have insurance, and much more.

Call 211 to get info on therapists in your area covered by your insurance or resources if you do not have insurance

Text 741-741 for sudden crisis moments and immediate psychological care

1800-273-8255 is the National Suicide Hotline

NAMI and SAMHSA are both national organizations devoted to helping people get mental health care

The Supreme Court has made it very clear moving forward that they will now also be “looking into cases that granted us access to birth control, marriage equality, the right to have non-heterosexual sex, and interracial marriage. Overturning Roe v Wade also takes away the right to privacy which makes the rest of these decisions under attack. It is always important to vote, but now it is even more important than it has been because so many people’s lives and human rights are at stake. Even though we cannot elect the officials in the Supreme Court, we still have the power when it comes to state representatives and other elected official positions in the federal government that allows us to have a say in the kinds of laws that get made at the state level. And while it is less important on a grand level, we do need to always make sure that we are voting for presidents that believe in and support human rights. This is a horrible choice and something that we are all currently living with. If you feel like this was a good decision, then I implore you to unfollow me and also do some serious soul searching and research into what this actually means for people. I am not interested in discussing why someone thinks this is the right decision.


The Supreme Court Opinion overturned Roe, and what they plan to look into next in their own words.

Cover Art by Avery Lynch