I Should Really Dress Warmer

I have been living in the PNW for over half my life at this point. We moved up to Sandpoint,ID when I was ten years old and I have been living here ever since. I go to school here in Oregon, and my mom and sister have also moved out here; full blown PNW family. Yet, I seem to always be cold. There is only so much style you can have when its fifteen degrees outside, so you either must resign to the fact that you will always be cold, or always just feel like a marsh-mellow in your layers. I often choose the former. Below is my new favorite outfit I wear on a far too often basis, but look at the colors in that sweater? How could I not?!

Photos by: Avery Lynch

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We managed to catch golden hour and woah. Just look at the lighting!

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The best shots are always when I am not trying or paying attention to anything going on.

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Sticking my tongue out is my favorite pose, can you tell?

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I hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as we enjoyed shooting it! Leave your comments below to let me know what you think!


Outfit details:

Sweater- Dressed in LaLa, no longer available but similar here

Jeans- Pacsun

Leather Jacket- Urban Outfitters, no longer available but similar here

Shoes- Converse